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cs:cameras:start [2016/12/13 19:11]
Sean Kallaher
cs:cameras:start [2017/01/14 22:00]
Sean Kallaher [Running With ROS]
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 This can become a little tedious after a while, so the current Robosub repository contains a launch file of its own. This can be used as follows: This can become a little tedious after a while, so the current Robosub repository contains a launch file of its own. This can be used as follows:
   roslaunch robosub cameras.launch   roslaunch robosub cameras.launch
-The cameras should begin publishing on the **/​camera/​[left\right]** topic. If you wish to change the serial number used for the left/right camera simply remap it when launching.+The cameras should begin publishing on the **/​camera/​[left|right|bottom]** topic. If you wish to change the serial number used for the left/right camera simply remap it when launching.
   roslaunch robosub cameras.launch left_serial:​=12345678 right_serial:​=12345679   roslaunch robosub cameras.launch left_serial:​=12345678 right_serial:​=12345679
 In the future, a downward facing camera is also planned to be added, though many of the steps will be similar. In the future, a downward facing camera is also planned to be added, though many of the steps will be similar.