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cs:controllers:start [2017/01/14 21:15]
Brandon Kallaher [Joystick]
cs:controllers:start [2017/01/14 21:15]
Brandon Kallaher [Gamepad]
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 This is composed of two programs, gamepad_driver and gamepad_control. The gamepad_driver reads the gamepad and publishes the gamepad'​s state to a topic, while gamepad_control subscribes to this topic and publishes control messages. This is composed of two programs, gamepad_driver and gamepad_control. The gamepad_driver reads the gamepad and publishes the gamepad'​s state to a topic, while gamepad_control subscribes to this topic and publishes control messages.
 +==== Running ====
 +The gamepad can be run using the following command:
 +  roslaunch robosub gamepad.launch
 +==== Controls ====
 Forward/​back and left/right on the left stick cause the sub to move forward/​back,​ left/right. Left/right on the left stick controls the sub's yaw. The d-pad affects pitch and roll, while pressing the '​A'​ or '​X'​ button resets the sub to a neutral orientation. The triggers are used for controlling the depth of the sub. Unlike the Joystick, there are no min/max depth settings. The right trigger dives while the left trigger rises. The relative depth change is computed with the difference between the two triggers so there is no harm in pulling both triggers at the same time. Forward/​back and left/right on the left stick cause the sub to move forward/​back,​ left/right. Left/right on the left stick controls the sub's yaw. The d-pad affects pitch and roll, while pressing the '​A'​ or '​X'​ button resets the sub to a neutral orientation. The triggers are used for controlling the depth of the sub. Unlike the Joystick, there are no min/max depth settings. The right trigger dives while the left trigger rises. The relative depth change is computed with the difference between the two triggers so there is no harm in pulling both triggers at the same time.