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ee:start [2016/08/19 11:41]
Brandon Kallaher created
ee:start [2021/03/25 19:39]
Tom Schmitz [Electrical Engineering]
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-====== ​This is the space for ME documentation ​======+{{indexmenu_n>​2}} 
 +====== ​Electrical Engineering ​====== 
 +**Team Lead**: Tom Schmitz 
 +**Current Members**: Tom Schmitz, Aaron Zhang, Blaise Muganura, Thuy Nguyen, Hayden Cole, Kelsi Dettlaff, Nolan Cleary 
 +**Electrical Senior Design Team**: N/A 
 +=====Current Project Assignments===== 
 +^ Project ​                    ^ Assignment ​                  ^ 
 +| Individual Camera Power Control ​       | Aaron Zhang       | 
 +| Random Jobs                            | Tom Schmitz ​      | 
 +| Depth Sensor Board Revision ​           | Nolan Cleary ​     | 
 +| Torpedo Control ​                       | Kelsi Dettlaff ​   | 
 +| Acoustic Modem                         | Tom Schmitz ​      | 
 +| Robotic Arm                            | Hayden Cole       | 
 +|Swarm-sub power system ​                 | Tom Schmitz ​      | 
 +| Dropper Control Board                  | Nolan Cleary ​     | 
 +| Stepper Motor Controller ​              | Thuy Nguyen ​      | 
 +| Fundamental Boards for New Sub         | Tom Schmitz ​      | 
 +| New Thruster System Research ​          | Aaron Zhang       |