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cs:slam:start [2019/05/01 14:56]
Steve Hemm [Tracking]
cs:slam:start [2019/08/18 15:37]
Steve Hemm [Tracking]
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-====== SLAM (Page still under construction) ​======+====== SLAM ======
 ====== Simultaneous Localization and Mapping ====== ====== Simultaneous Localization and Mapping ======
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 -Tracking localizes the camera by comparing features in a local map. -Tracking localizes the camera by comparing features in a local map.
--Detects features using the FAST algorithm+ 
--Describes features using ORB algorithm.+-Detects features using the [[https://​​3.0-beta/​doc/​py_tutorials/​py_feature2d/​py_fast/​py_fast.html|FAST Algorithm]]. 
 +-Describes features using [[https://​​en/​latest/​py_tutorials/​py_feature2d/​py_orb/​py_orb.html|ORB Algorithm]]. 
 -Selects a new keyframe. -Selects a new keyframe.
 -If localization is lost, uses Place Recognition module to relocate. -If localization is lost, uses Place Recognition module to relocate.
 ==== Local Mapping ==== ==== Local Mapping ====
 +-Keyframes are added to co-visibility graph Spanning Tree.
 +-New Map points are creates by triangulating matching ORB features from different keyframes.
 +-Validity of map point is checked by seeing if it is found in other keyframes where it is predicted to be. Must be seen by at least 3 other keyframes.
 ==== Loop Closing ==== ==== Loop Closing ====
 +-Loop closing is when the sub recognizes that it has returned to a previous location and adjust map points to accommodate.
 +-To detect possible loops, check bag of words vectors in Place Recognition module of the current keyframe and its neighbors in the co-visibility graph.
 +-If loop candidate is found preform similarity transform.
 +-Fuse map points and preform bundle adjustment.
 ==== Map ==== ==== Map ====
 +Each map point stores:
 +    *Its 3D position in the world coordinate system.
 +    *ORB descriptor.
 +    *The maximum dmax and minimum dmin distances at which the point can be observed, according to the scale invariance limits of the ORB features.
 ==== Place Recognition ==== ==== Place Recognition ====