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ROS Topics

This page is a description of all the topics we are using (or plan to use) on the sub.



Message: geometry_msgs/Quaternion
The current orientation of the sub, given as a quaternion. Any code wanting to know the sub's orientation should use this topic, not /orientation/rpy.


Message: robosub/Euler
The current orientation of the sub, given in roll, pitch, yaw. This is meant just for human readability of the sub's orientation, code should use the /orientation topic.


Message: std_msgs/Float32
The current depth of the sub.



Message: robosub/thruster
Dynamic array of commands going to the thrusters. Order of the thrusters is dependent on their order in the settings file.


Message: robosub/control
Send messages to this topic to move the sub around, the control system subscribes to this topic.


Message: robosub/joystick This is the raw joystick state, published by the joystick driver. Shows the current state of all axes and buttons on the joystick.



Message: wfov_camera_msgs/WFOVImage
Images from our cameras.


Message: robosub/visionPos
Describes where the buoy is in the sub's view.


Message: robosub/visionPos
Describes how many posts of the start gate can be seen and where they are located in the sub's view.