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Depth Sensors


Depth sensors are a crucial means to receive feedback about more than just depth. By using four high-precision depth sensors, pitch and roll of the submarine can be calculated. Pitch and roll information can then be used to validate any information provided by an inertial measurement unit, and it is especially useful because depth sensors are not prone to the error induced by motors that a magnetometer is.


Think of three of the depth sensors defining a plane in 3D space. The final depth sensor acts as a fixed point above that plane that rotates as the plane rotates. If the fixed point is off-center of the plane, then when the plane rotates 180 degrees (staying flat at all times), then roll and pitch can be determined.


Resource Description
ATMega1284PMicrocontroller to be used on the project.
Depth SensorDepth sensor in use on the submarine.
Arduino Tutorials Code tutorials for programming Arduino devices.
ATMega1284P Arduino Core Arduino Core for the ATMega1284P
RosSerial DocumentationRosSerial is the communication protocol that allows implementation of a ROS node on a microcontroller.
I2C MUX - 22-Channel I2C mux chip for multisensor configurations.
I@c MUX - 44-Channel I2C mux chip for multisensor configurations.